January 25, 2014

WIP | actros | stretched S01E03

The Actros goes fast to the finish line. I finished the interior, the exterior of the cabin and I assembled the crane on the frame. Also, I putted in position the cabin.
All this things weren't easy, but, happily all goes well.
© M . C . H and custom | scale | car
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited.

smart | cutaway section

I bought, some time ago, a Smart for Two Roadster, made by Kyosho @ 1|18 scale. There were provided two sets of exterior panels painted in two colors: Red and Dark Metallic Grey.
A normal reflex: I wanted to change the look of my tiny 1|18 Smart. Everything was ok till I saw how this model is made under the exterior panel. It is amazing at the level of the details. Almost as a plastic kit.

I quick take the decision to realize a CutAway Style scale model. "A cutaway drawing, also called a cutaway diagram is a 3D graphics, drawing, diagram and or illustration, in which surface elements a three-dimensional model are selectively removed, to make internal features visible, but without sacrificing the outer context entirely." (Wikipedia contributors, "Cutaway drawing," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cutaway_drawing&oldid=564485549  - accessed January 25, 2014). 
The result, below:

© M . C . H and custom | scale | car
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited.

January 11, 2014

opel blitz | flat bed

I love trucks and I think a truck is not a truck if it is not a flat bed. The flat beds are the perfect image in my mind of a truck. This time, the "Opel Sammlung" collection has made a Opel Blitz at the 1|43rd. The Blitz is a limited edition of the series "Blitz Special".
In the modellers world, Opel Blitz is most military interpreted in various variants. It exixsts also at 1|24th (made by ITALERI) as military truck or fire truck.
I decided to turn the little military truck into a show truck. I imagine that the Opel fans would love to see something like that at an "Opel Treffen".

© M . C . H and custom | scale | car
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited.

January 05, 2014

the 1st | year

One year ago, on the 5th of January 2o13, I took the decision to create a blog for sharing my passion and my hobby.
The first post was describing Pontiac StarChief made by SunStar Platinum customized. A paint job I'm always proud to show to the people. You can review | view the model here : pontiac star chief @ custom | scale | car
Today, one year later, I want to share with you some stats about the activity of | on my bolg.
There were :
- 12 month with at least two articles | month.
- around 5 ooo views of of the blog.
- the most viewed post :  vw scirocco | winter stanced
- the most visitors from Romania

1st year statistics | the articles

1st year statistics | the countries
As you can see, a new anniversary header is from now on-line, as well as a new logo of custom | scale | car.

© M . C . H and custom | scale | car
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. 

January 01, 2014


© M . C . H and custom | scale | car
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited.