One year ago, on the 5th of January 2o13, I took the decision to create a blog for sharing my passion and my hobby.
The first post was describing Pontiac StarChief made by SunStar Platinum customized. A paint job I'm always proud to show to the people. You can review | view the model here : pontiac star chief @ custom | scale | car
Today, one year later, I want to share with you some stats about the activity of | on my bolg.
There were :
- 12 month with at least two articles | month.
- around 5 ooo views of of the blog.
- the most visitors from Romania
1st year statistics | the articles
1st year statistics | the countries
As you can see, a new anniversary header is from now on-line, as well as a new logo of custom | scale | car.
© M . C . H and custom | scale | car
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and
written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited.