Pffff.... friends
Bad times we are living! The lock down is longer than I expected but it is the price we have to pay to the corona! I hope sooner or later we will be be like before, on a terrace drinking a beear with our friends and eating potatoes chips by hand from the bucket!
But for surviving to live this again we have to be optimistic and in good spirit shape. So, get the best from your lock down! I mainly use this period of time for modelling. My passion for doing things like this was slowed down a little bit because of the lack of time, before lock down. I was dedicated to my job and I sacrificed a lot of my personal time for the job. Now I realized how good is to share things and time with the beloved person near you, and use your free time feeding your soul!
That's the good part of pandemic for me.
So, I want to share with you what I done lately. It is about a series - you remember, may be, my LowEast 1/43 diecast modified LowEast series- of diecast eastern Europe cars, lowered and detailed. Some time, a chage a color if needed. The bases are 1@24 diecast scale models, sealed body produced y IXO I imagine for Hachette.
Look what I have done this days: