April 29, 2020

Lock-down Works | LowEast | episode 1

Pffff.... friends
Bad times we are living! The lock down is longer than I expected but it is the price we have to pay to the corona! I hope sooner or later we will be be like before, on a terrace drinking a beear with our friends and eating potatoes chips by hand from the bucket!
But for surviving to live this again we have to be optimistic and in good spirit shape. So, get the best from your lock down! I mainly use this period of time for modelling. My passion for doing things like this was slowed down a little bit because of the lack of time, before lock down. I was dedicated to my job and I sacrificed a lot of my personal time for the job. Now I realized how good is to share things and time with the beloved person near you, and use your free time feeding your soul!
That's the good part of pandemic for me.
So, I want to share with you what I done lately. It is about a series - you remember, may be, my LowEast 1/43 diecast modified LowEast series- of diecast eastern Europe cars, lowered and detailed. Some time, a chage a color if needed. The bases are 1@24 diecast scale models, sealed body produced y IXO I imagine for Hachette.
Look what I have done this days:

April 12, 2020

Lock-down Works | Ford T | easy restoration part 3

Hello friend of modelling. Staying at home has a lot of advantages. First of all gives you the opportunity to be close to your loved persons and, in the same time, generates a lot of free time. Use this context to feed your soul. For me is a welcomed time for modeling. Far away from daily needs, obliged to stay home, I find a lot of free time for my models. Satisfaction guaranteed!
So, I am happy to present you the first model I finished two weeks ago, just one week after restrictions imposed by the government. I am also happy to let you know that there are several models in work and several models ready for inspection.
But let’s go back to our T Model presented in the two previous post. A lot of details done, an imperfect paint and as the result, one of the most beautiful model I ever done. I love so much this tiny black bug. The look I archived on this model is an daily use classic car : a little bit of rust here and there, shiny black paint and some dirty under-body. I’ll let you see what I mean. Enjoy the ride!

April 01, 2020

Lock-down Works | Ford T | easy restoration part 2

The things goes straight forward. A lot of free time due to the home isolation, a lot of worries but a lot of satisfaction too with my modeling works.
My little Tin Lizzy is ready for inspection. For instance there are some details and in the episode III will be the final presentation of this beauty.